torsdag 31. mars 2011

I want the spring to come! NOW!

This is a picture from Bodø today...

Inside this garage my motorcycle stand, and today I started the process for getting the bike ready for the road. I need a validation from the Statens Vegvesen. This bike is the first of it`s kind in Norway, so it`s a process which need a lot of documentation, and of course - a lot of patience. But the guys where quite positive so I think the process will go well :)

As you see at the picture, I still have some time before the spring is here...

torsdag 17. mars 2011

Flott artikkel i AN torsdag 17.mars

Du finner også en PDF-utgave på hjemmesida til Likevel MC Norge som kan være lettere å lese.

Førstesida av AN torsdag 17.mars 2011

Tusen takk for omtalen, Hein! "Når folk ser dette, tenker de: Kanskje det er mulig å fly?" :D

"Strålende glad. Siv Jorunn Fossum har nådd drømmen sin om å kjøre motorsyk"kel igjen etter ulykka som gjorde henne lam i beina. - Dette føles ubesbeskrivelig, sier Siv Jorunn som gleder seg stort til vårsleppet sammen med vennene i mc-miljøet. Fra venstre Wenche Karlsen, Britt Steinsund, Chrisitan Doll, Trygve Kvitle, Sol Maria Einvik og Sigurd Nilsen."

tirsdag 15. mars 2011

Finally! My motorcycle has come home!

The transporter helped us to get the bike in place. Wish to say thank you to Hans for lending us the trailer, it was just perfect for the transportation back home.

We picked up the bike in Drammen, and before driving back home to Bodø we joined the MC2011 together with Likevel MC Norge. It was a huge success! For both media and the visitors for the fair. All curious how the system work. The interest from media I will give you in another article.

The bike is ready to join the MC2011

Visitors from Koeltgen: Wilhelm Koeltgen and his colleague Markus van Leuck. Thank you very much for joining us!

Thank you all for a great time at MC2011! This is the stand for Likevel MC Norge, and some of the wonderful people there. From the left: Kjell Ove, Terje, Sigurd and Hein.

A big smile!